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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazilian coffee: sensory profile by law

from the correspondent Antonello Monardo *.


The Brazilian Ministry of agriculture, Wagner Rossi, signed a measure that outlines a number of criteria to ensure the quality of coffee to the final consumer.   The new rules are applied to roasted coffee bean and ground forms.

The measure, which will enter into force nine months was already published in the official register.  It determines the props that define the maximum percentage of impurities, basic sensory standards for coffee, the second most consumed drink in the country, second only to water.

The coffee produced in Brazil, or imported into the country, have a maximum impurity level of 1%.  The humidity in the roasted and ground coffee must not exceed 5%.  Other specifications in the regulation have also set been and including criteria for the coffee sensory aromatic and taste levels, definition of acidity, bitterness and astringency, as well as the body of coffee.

An expert accredited a technician by the Ministry of Agriculture who either is or a coffee, agronomist will be transferred to the sensory evaluation.  The test will be carried out in a company accredited by the Ministry.

"I consider a milestone in the national coffee production, the measure", the Minister said.  "It is a form of respect for the Brazilians are used to drink and appreciate coffee."  According to the Ministry of the regulation is that increase its market value in an average of 5% per year, Brazil of's second largest consumer has grown coffee in the world.

The new legislation has after three years of work by Government representatives and members of the private sector, such as the Brazilian coffee industry association has been approved.

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